Posted in Blog Post

Blog Post #49: A little life update

Hi all,

Every post I write seems to start with an apology, so I’m just going to come out and say it: posts on here aren’t regular, they are very sporadic and often sparse, so don’t expect much. If you want to be notified of when I do post, feel free to follow our instagram, as I always post on the story when something new has been uploaded.

I just thought I’d write a little update on my life at the moment, as I haven’t done one in a while, also I’ve been itching to write something but don’t have much time and this won’t take to long to write.

So, how is life at the moment? Well actually, it’s pretty great at the moment. I came to the realisation the other day that I’m in what is probably the happiest stage of my life so far (the happiest stage of my life that I can remember at least), which is just, well, great. Obviously not all of life is singing and dancing, but on average, I think I’m at my happiest more often than I’ve ever been. I don’t know, I just have a lot of great people in my life and a lot of great stuff happening and aaaa I’m feeling so mushy and happy just thinking about it.

Anyway, that got deep and sentimental quickly didn’t it? There’s a lot more mundane things I can include in an update too, so let’s do that.

I’ve started running again, and remembered how much I enjoy it. When I first started I hated it and questioned why I was putting myself through it, but now I’m a bit better at it I really do enjoy it. It gives me time to think and have time to myself, and also I love the sense of accomplishment I get at the end of a good run too.

I’m also reading quite a bit at the moment. I’ve got 3 books on the go currently, which I don’t normally do, but two of them are for school. The first school book is Northanger Abbey, which is alright, but because it’s written in a fairly old-fashioned way then sometimes I struggle to understand certain bits. It’s also a little tedious in some places, but maybe that’s just because I’m not at the main section of the story yet. The second school book is The Autobiography of Fidel Castro, which is, well, interesting(?) I guess. I’m not going to say much about that, partly because Castro is a fairly controversial topic and I’m not very educated on it as of yet, and partly because I’m not far enough into it yet to make a judgement on it as a book aside from the politics of it. The third book I’m reading is a book I’m reading out of choice, Mythos by Stephen Fry. Someone gave me the sequel, Heroes, for my birthday recently so I picked up this one from the library earlier today to read first. Like I said, it was only today that I started it so I’m not very far in, but what I’ve read so far is really good, both because I like classics and mythology stuff so it’s quite interesting, and also because it’s quite funny and I like the way it’s written.

In terms of music, my favourite album at the moment is definitely Sing To Me Instead by Ben Platt which came out at the end of March, and I’m actually listening to as I write this post. I’m really bad at describing why I like music so I’m not really able to justify myself, other than it’s just an amazing album and everyone should listen to it because it’s so good. I’m also really impressed at Ben Platt’s vocal range which, although it was shown off in Dear Evan Hansen, is even more than that (take for example, the very last note of New in comparison to the start few lines of Better or the end of Run Away). I think my favourite song is definitely Older, for reasons which I can’t explain other than it’s such an important message and also makes me unreasonably happy to listen to. However that’s not to say I don’t like the rest of the album, I love all the songs for their own individual reasons. To give a few – Bad Habit is so soulful and emotional, Honest Man is beautiful, New has some fantastic music, Share Your Address is a quality bop™ and In Case You Don’t Live Forever is beautiful and heartfelt and makes me want to cry every time and I want it to play at my wedding. I don’t have any intentions of getting married any time soon, I don’t even know if I will ever get married, but if I do, the first dance song is that.

I also recently listened to Newsies, and if there are any musical fans out there who haven’t listened to it yet I definitely recommend. There’s some absolute tunes in there, such as Carrying The Banner, The World Will Know, Seize The Day, King of New York and Once And For All. Also, Santa Fe, well, I have no words to describe Santa Fe. I am in love with the song, and in awe of anyone who can sing it, especially with so much emotion as it would have during the performance (Jeremy Jordan!! Is Amazing!!). Sadly it’s no longer being performed on Broadway or anywhere else, but there is a professionally recorded film which I’m going to watch as soon as I get the opportunity.

That’s all I have to say really, so I’m going to end this post here. Thanks very much for reading, and I guess I’ll  see you in the next one, whenever that is

– April

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