Posted in Blog Post

Blog Post #43: Return (and book update)

Hey readers!

So it’s been about two and a half months since my last post, where I announced that I’d be taking a break from posting, but now I’m back! I am no longer stressed, I am nice and relaxed, and ready to write.

So, onto the subject of this post. Recently, I’ve been struggling to read. I’ve been struggling with what I like to call “readers block”. I’ve just not been drawn to the idea of reading, and when I have picked up a book I’ve been bored and not enjoying it. From April through to the start of July I’d only ‘read’ 3 books, two of which were for school and two of which were audiobooks, so I listened to them rather than actually reading.

A couple of weeks ago I decided that enough is enough, and I was going to figure out some way to get myself back into reading. I decided that the best method to do this was to pick some of my all-time favourite books to reread, hoping it would spur me into enjoying reading again.

The two books I picked were After Tomorrow, by Gillian Cross, and Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. And reading these two books was the most fun reading books I’ve had in ages. After finishing these off, I went on to read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon, and then The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens. And in the space of a week, I’d read more books than I had over the past 3 months.

Let me explain my book choices to you. After Tomorrow is an all-time favourite book of mine (would definitely recommend!), as well as being relatively short, so I figured it would be a good first book to ease me into reading again. Inkheart is another favourite, and also the first in a trilogy, so I thought that would encourage me to continue reading after I’d finished it. The second book (Inkspell) is the next book I’m  going to read after finishing the one I’m currently on. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time is a book that I’ve been wanting to read for ages and ages, so reading something on the To-Read list has encouraged me to get round to reading the others on that list. The Emerald Atlas is another reread, and also the first in a trilogy. I’ve been meaning tor read the last two for ages, but as it’s been so long since I read it I (correctly) guessed that it would need a reread so I could follow the plot of the next two books. I’m currently on the second one, The Fire Chronicle, and it’s great.

I’m not really sure what the moral of this story is, so I’m just going to end this post here. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it, I’ve really enjoyed writing it and getting back into the swing of things. I know it’s not been the best post of all time, but I’m going to try my best to get consistent at posting again and improving the quality of my posts. Don’t forget you can follow us over on Instagram, and also on Tumblr, and feel free to comment on any posts or message us on any social medias if you have anything you’d like to say to us. Thanks for reading,


~ April